Consolidation Settings

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Consolidation Settings

Consolidate settings are system settings that are accessed (given proper access level) via the Settings/Admin left menu option. The following settings are available for Consolidate (only those for which you have access will be available):

(Consolidate is also controlled by several settings managed in the Catch Point management screen.)




One or more status values that an asset may be found in, each separated by a piping ( | ) character.  Any currently authorized MSL item found on any asset in a status whose value is contained in this setting will be auto-harvested.


Phrases, separated by commas, that equate to being a blank value.  For instance "NONE" may be considered the same as being blank.  Consolidate will use these phrases to assert various business rules, such as Asset Number cannot be blank.


Each catch point can be set to check to see if an incoming staging record is attempting to change either the serial number, computer name, or manufacturer of an existing asset record.  When this setting is 0, that test will be case sensitive.  When this setting is -1, the test will be case insensitive.


A value greater than zero indicates the maximum number of days since the last time an asset was scanned before a harvest event on that asset will cause a de-installation attempt of the associated MSL software.  This overrides the MSL setting Item is allowed to be un-installed (if that setting is set to -1 or true).


An asset will be set to this status, to indicate that it has been disposed, if it has been marked as a returned item on an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN).


When Consolidate invalidates a claim check, this is the email template that will be used to notify the owner of the claim check that it has been invalidated.  The description of the email template is used for this setting.  Leave blank if no email is to be sent.


This setting has been superseded by the workflow engine and is no longer used.


Specifies the minimum number of days that may have passed between the time the machine was last automatically scanned for software and when the MSL item was actually discovered/validated as being on the machine to qualify for auto-harvest.


Specifies the maximum number of days that may have passed since the last time the machine was scanned via autodiscovery to qualify for auto-harvest.


Set to -1 to cause Consolidate to skip processing the master processors and cores tables.  This processing step adjusts processor and core values returned by autodiscovery based on a cores hints table.  It also continues to build the master processors table (a list of all processors ever reported by autodiscovery.)  The master processors table is used by the various license metric lookup tables (such as IBM PVUs and Oracle).  


This setting contains a list of columns from the ATdataAssets table, separated by commas, that Consolidate cannot write earlier dates to.  If Consolidate attempts to write a date earlier in time than a date already contained in the column, the write will not be allowed and an entry will be added to the Consolidate job log documenting the attempted write.


The server time, in HH:MM format (based on a 24 hour clock), when the license optimizer should be forced to run.  Normally, the license optimizer will run when there are no records in the staging table to process.  In high volume environments, there may never be a time when that condition is met.  This setting allows you to force the optimizer to run once a day during a specific hour. Consolidate must be set to run during the defined time frame.  (This setting will not cause Consolidate to run - it must be programmed to be running at this time).  Leave this setting blank if you never want to force the license optimizer to run.  When the license optimizer runs, any scans from the WDA or WTR waiting to be processed will be ignored as will any unprocessed records waiting in the staging table.

Parameters passed to Consolidate override ConsLicenseOptimizeRun setting. Therefore, if Consolidate runs during the optimizer time window, and parameters are specified (other than OPTIMIZE), an optimize run will not occur.



0 = do not log various SQL statements used during Consolidate.
-1 = log various SQL statements used during Consolidate as part of the job log.


0 = do not log time spent in various Consolidate tasks.
-1 = log time spent in various Consolidate tasks to the job log.


0 = no minimum.
> 0 = when using the Workstation Data Assistant (WDA), staging of the scans from WDA will not be performed unless there are at least ConsMinScansToStage scan file(s) waiting to be processed.  This setting is primarily to ensure that there are 0 staging records to process from time to time in order to force the de-allocation engine to run (it only runs if there are 0 staging records to process)


Names of MIE tables, separated by commas, that Consolidate cannot write to.  If nothing is specified, then Consolidate will write to all tables it normally writes to.


Sets a time window, in days, after a successful Move MSL applications action, that any rogue MSL applications discovered on the source asset will be ignored.  This allows a grace period for a technician to physically remove MSL applications that have been moved to another asset from the source asset before Consolidate will once again auto-authorize auto-discovered MSL software as rogues.  This time window only applies to Move MSL applications and only to the source asset.  It also only applies to MSL applications discovered by auto-discovery as rogue installs.  Authorizations that come through the request portal or through auto-authorization will function as normal, regardless of any rogue exclusion window that might exist for the target asset.


Contains a list of status values, separated by piping characters (|), that an asset may be in and still have a valid claim check.  If an asset is found to be in any other status that one of the status values listed for this setting, then any claim check that exists for that asset will be invalidated.  If this setting is left blank, then all status values will be considered valid for claim checks (claim checks will not be invalidated automatically if this setting is left blank.)


If set to 0, the MIE will enforce that any asset marked as a virtual machine (IsVirtual = -1) must have a non-blank Physical Computer Name and the Physical Computer Name must not be the same as the Computer Name.  If those conditions are not met, the MIE will un-mark the machine as a virtual machine (it will set IsVirtual = 0) during each Consolidate run.

If this setting is -1, the MIE will allow machines to be marked as virtual (IsVirtual = -1) regardless of what is populated in Physical Computer Name.


Set to -1 for strict computation, 0 for Processor and Cores Hints computation


Bit-encoded to describe “how strict is strict?”


Meaning if set to 1


Stage exception if processor core count is unknown


Flag unknown core count by setting Total Cores = [value of ConsUnknownCoresFlagValue]


Always review processor core assets, no matter what options are set in consolidate

A value of 7 (all 3 bits set) is the most strict. Setting it to 3 means stage exceptions, and flag unknown ones (e.g., that already got into the assets table).


If ConsStrictProcCoreComp is -1 (SPCC on), and bit 1 of ConsProcCoreStrictness is set, then assets that got into the assets table with unknown processers are flagged, by consolidate setting the Cores field in the assets table to the value of this setting.


Comma-separated list of Device Types to ignore in strict processor computation


Comma-separated list of asset statuses to ignore in strict processor computation


If set to -1, Consolidate will zero the required entitlement units for each suite component, regardless of whether the Suite MSL is licensed. The default value of 0 indicates that a license is required for the suite title before Consolidate will zero the required license units for the suite components.





Suite components added at Wiki level are added at local level, but not removed



Full sync, including removal of components at the Wiki level (also removed as component at local level)


If the ConsMSLWikiSyncIgnoredAliases setting is -1, Wiki ignored aliases are considered along with the local customer’s aliases, during ignored alias processing. The Wiki aliases are not actually copied to the customer’s entries. Therefore, changes to the Wiki aliases, including adds, updates, and deletes, are always used by Consolidate under this option.


If the ConsMSLWikiMergeIgnoredAliases setting is -1, Wiki ignored aliases are copied to the local customer’s alias entries prior to ignored alias processing. The Wiki aliases are physically added to the local customer’s entries. If an ignored alias is deleted from the Wiki aliases, a copy remains in the local customer’s entries. An updated Wiki entry will result in a new entry being copied down to the local customer; the original copy remains for the local customer.


The ConsNestedSuiteMaxDepth sets the maximum depth to which suites can be nested. A value of zero indicates that no nesting is allowed. Values greater than zero indicate the how deep the nesting can go beyond the top-level suite. For example, a value of 1 indicates that a suite may be added to a suite, but no further nesting is possible. The maximum permitted value is 100. Any value higher than 100 is treated as 100. Values less than zero are treated as zero.



In order to populate and maintain this column using the existing feature of Consolidate in which an authorization is created for the discovered operating system, several steps are required:

1.The setting ConsCopyOSinfoAsInstalledSW must have a value of -1. This setting causes Consolidate to copy the discovered operating system title to the software staging table, effectively manufacturing a raw software header that can later be recognized and used as the source of a generated authorization. To be precise, this value comes from the OperatingSystem column of the staging table. When copied to the software staging table, Consolidate uses a pseudo publisher name of “(O/S Copy)” and a NULL version.

2.Recognition training is required for matching the operating system name to the MSL. The publisher will always be “(O/S Copy)” and the version will be NULL. Normally, the description will be as reported to the discovery tool, assuming the tool uses the Caption column of the Win32_OperatingSystem class returned by WMI (this is the most logical place to collect the info for Windows operating systems). Note that most titles have already been trained and are in the Wiki. However, if the imported data has already been normalized in a customer-specific way, it will be necessary to do recognition training in order to associate the raw header with the operating system MSL.

3.The source of the stage table entry must be a catch point associated with the Auto-Discovery Role. This can be set/verified with the Catch Point form of the MIE UI.