Requesting Upgrades

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Requesting Upgrades

Some publishers allow upgrading to the next version of their software for a fraction of the cost of a new license.  To upgrade, however, you usually must already own a qualifying license.  When you purchase the upgrade license, it combines with the qualifying license to yield a single license at the new version level.

The MIE supports enforcing these upgrade rules and will make upgrades available on the Software Request Portal (both Gen 1 and 2) for those who qualify.

Both Gen 1 and Gen 2 portals behave similarly in how they handle upgrades, described as follows:

1. To be offered an upgrade via the portal, you must be authorized for one of the qualifying titles, as defined in the upgrades settings.

2. There must be sufficient qualifying licenses remaining in the owned license count, as defined in the SLMUpgradeMinQualifyingLicense system setting.

3. The MSL title being requested and the qualifying MSL title must be authorized by workstation.

Upgrade titles appear in the selection list using the name of the desired title, with the letters "**(Upgrade)" following the name of the title.

On the Gen 2 Portal, once the upgrade title is selected and moved over to the request, the letters "(UPGD)" will precede the title name.

When an upgrade title is selected for request, its price will reflect the price of the upgrade title and not of the full title.