Automatic Detection of Geographical Change

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Navigation:  Modules > Asset Management > Software License Management > Licenses > Software License Allocation > Geographically Constrained Licenses >

Automatic Detection of Geographical Change

The MIE checks to see if the underlying asset to which a geographically constrained license is assigned has changed geography since the authorization was issued.  This check is made each time Consolidate runs.

If the MIE detects that the geography of the underlying asset has changed, it will update the geography of the authorization to match the geography of the underlying asset.

The MIE checks two asset settings, in the following order, when checking for the asset's current geography:

1.Country to which the asset is currently assigned - this setting is available on the Demographics tab of the Assets screen.  If t is not zero or null, it will be used to determine the asset's current geography.

2.Geo-location, as determined by the asset's most recent public IP address.  (Also available on the Demographics tab, but it is updated automatically via some auto-discovery agents.)  If this value is not zero or null, and if the assigned country is zero or null, this value will be used to determine the asset's current geography.

Note: Geographies must have been set up previously.  Geographies are set using the Geographies fly-out menu option from the Locations left menu.  Countries must be assigned to the various geographies in order for the MIE to determine an asset's current geography.

The MIE can be set to fire a workflow when it detects a change in geography.  The workflow to fire is defined when the MSL title is set up, using the Managed Software left menu option.  The workflow can be used to notify ITAM that the change has occurred, or it may even be used to send a notification directly to the publisher (in accordance with the license requirements, if applicable).

When the license allocation engine runs, it checks to see if geographically constrained licenses are covering authorizations that no longer match the geography.  Any geographically constrained licenses found in this state will be de-allocated, and the authorizations will be left uncovered (or will be re-allocated unconstrained licenses, if any are available).