Setting Filters

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Setting Filters

Setting a filter narrows the scope of records presented, allowing you to work with a given subset of records.  A filter can be used to look up a single record, or to establish a group of records with which to perform a subsequent operation (such as a Mass Update or a Direct Export). Setting a filter is also a quick way of obtaining a count of records that match a given set of criteria, such as all the assets in the Phoenix location, or all the process points in a given work flow, or every record that is seen by a condition.

Step 1

To set a filter, start by selecting a field on which to narrow the record scope.  This is selected in the Filter area (near the top of the screen) on any given data entry screen.  Choose from the "View items where" drop-down.  If you see, and choose the “–Use a Condition-“, please see Step 2B.

Step 2

Continue by choosing a comparison - either "is exactly", "is like", "is not like", or "is not" (depending on the type of field that was chosen from the "View items where" drop-down).  The comparison choices behave as follows:



is exactly

The contents of the field chosen in "View items where" must match what is selected or typed in exactly.  The match is case insensitive.

is like

The contents of the field chosen in "View items where" must contain, anywhere within the field, what is selected or typed in.  The match is case insensitive.

is not like

The contents of the field chosen in "View items where" must not contain, anywhere within the field, what is selected or typed in.  The match is case insensitive.

is not

The contents of the field chosen in "View items where" must not exactly match what is selected or typed in.  The match is case insensitive.

Step 2B

Continue by choosing a condition that is present within the dropdown that will appear.  The filter that will be applied by choosing a condition is maintained within the condition record and the filter can be viewed after application by clicking on the View Filter link.  

Step 3

Finish by entering, or selecting, the search criteria if coming from Step 2 and then clicking "Go".  The filter will be applied and only the matching records will be displayed.  The count of matching records will be displayed above the filter area.

Please check the section on Special characters that have special siginficance in SQL and might impact filtering