Returns (Reversing Migration)

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Navigation:  Modules > Asset Management > Software License Management > Licenses > Additional Entitlements > Automatically Migrate Licenses >

Returns (Reversing Migration)

Whenever licenses are migrated due to an owned entitlement, and that entitlement is subsequently nullified due to being returned, those licenses that were migrated will be restored to the original version.  Returns generally come in through ASNs after the original entitlement was processed, and show a negative count and/or negative price.

NOTE: Owned entitlement returns sourced by the ASN Processor will only be processed when the count equals (and is opposite) a different owned entitlement's count and the price is equal (and opposite) as well.

Owned entitlements can also be nullified by simply editing the owned position record using the User Interface and setting the count to 0.  That will also cause any migrated licenses due to that owned position to be restored to their previous version.

NOTE:  Owned position changes are actually processed by the allocation logic in Consolidate – the logic that allocates entitlements to licenses.  Migration simply looks at a license to see if it is covered by an entitlement and then decides if that license can be migrated.  A reduction in owned position of entitlements will cause a de-allocation of entitlements to licenses, which will ultimately cause a reversal of migration if any of the previously covered licenses had been migrated while they were covered.