Criteria for Migration

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Navigation:  Modules > Asset Management > Software License Management > Licenses > Additional Entitlements > Automatically Migrate Licenses >

Criteria for Migration

For a license to be automatically migrated, it must meet the following criteria:

1.  It must have been allocated an entitlement.

2. It must be defined as a down-bound equivalent of a newer version (to which it will be migrated), AND the title to which it will be migrated MUST be in the same family AND that newer version must have a release date earlier (or equal to) the end date of the owned entitlement that will be used to cause the migration.

3.  There must be a newer version to which to migrate.

4.  The date the license was purchased MUST be within the adjusted start and end dates of the owned entitlement.  For example, if the owned entitlement was purchased on 1/1/2012 and the grace window is set to 90 days, the license must have been purchased on or after 10/3/2011 (up to 90 days prior to the entitlement purchase)

5.  The license units represented by the license record MUST be equal to or less than the number of license units available for migration as defined in the owned entitlement record.  For example, if a license record shows 10 license units and an owned entitlement allows for migration of 5 license units, that particular license record will not be migrated (the MIE does not support partial migration of an individual license record).  However, if there are five license records, each representing only 1 license unit, all five records will be migrated.