Timed Operations

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Timed Operations

The MIE supports unattended operations that are performed on a timed and repeated basis.  Such operations are managed under Timed Ops, a menu option which can be found under the Settings / Admin function on the left menu of the Asset Management and Remote Data Management modules.

TIMED OPS supports the following job types:




The Asset Management module's job that consolidates staged hardware and software information into the main repository.


Import of data from a comma separated value (.csv) file into an MIE data schema, or export.  Timed imports expect the .csv file to be present in the import/export file area.  Generally a separate FTP site is set up so that files can be copied automatically to this area for timed import.  The MIE will not import the file if it has not changed in size or creation date since the last successful import.  However, a job notification email and Job Log entry will be made for each timed run.  Export jobs will be emailed upon completion to a recipient list specified when the job is defined.  (The list may be changed at any time thereafter).


Only reports that have been saved as Favorites may be set up to run on a timed basis.  First establish a report as a Favorite.  Reports are emailed to a recipient list that is specified when the job is defined.  (The list may be changed at any time thereafter).

S/W Debits/Credits

An Asset Management job that assesses credits and debits based on the current software request and harvesting activity and according to the current settings.  This job requires an associated workflow that is set to handle the Credits/Debits static workflow.  


An Asset Management job that consolidates staged disposal items into the main disposals tables.


A general purpose job that performs various housekeeping duties such as checking for conditions.  There should generally be one housekeeping job that is set to run at least daily.


A job that is dedicated to running the authorization analyzer.