Step 3 - Create a Unique Schedule

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Step 3 - Create a Unique Schedule

Create a schedule for running the ESI Server Scanner task, and assign that schedule specifically to the machine on which ESI Server Scan will run.  Be sure to assign the schedule to just the machine on which the ESI Server Scanner will be running.  Otherwise, all machines to which your schedule applies will attempt to install and run the ESI Server Scanner.

Navigate to a new client schedule screen by clicking Add Record from the Asset Tracking – Client Schedules page (Asset Management tab, click the Clients (WDA) menu, Add Record). The schedule should only apply to the computer you want to run the ESI Server Scanner tool and must contain the Server Scanner task you set up previously.

Schedule Setting



Server Scanner Schedule


Schedule for Server Scanner

Client tasks on this schedule

ESI Server Scanner

Include null assets

Not checked

Include devices where the value in this column

MIE Asset Number, =

This value

Host name or asset number of machine on which ESI Server Scanner will be running