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Navigation:  Modules > Asset Management > Software License Management > Authorization Analyzer (Complex license types) > AA Functions >



This function checks for upbound equivalents of the MSL under test on the asset under test, or all devices hosted by the physical parent of the asset under test (including the physical parent), or all devices hosted by all members of the cluster of which the physical parent of the asset under test is a member (depending on various parameters passed).

It returns a count of the active authorization(s) for upbound equivalents of the MSL under test on the device(s) requested.


Processing Notes

If Process as user based title is checked, the search for upbound equivalents will be driven by the owner assigned to the authorization.  The physical host and cluster settings will be ignored.

If Search all devices in the physical host is checked, the physical parent of the asset under test is used to find all devices hosted on that physical parent (including the physical parent).  All devices are checked for active authorizations of upbound equivalents to the MSL under test.

If Search all devices in the cluster of the physical host is checked, the physical parent of the asset under test is used to determine the name of the cluster of which it is a member (if any).  That cluster name is then used to identify all members, and the device names of those members are then used to identify all hosted devices (including the physical hosts).  All identified devices are then checked for active authorizations for upbound equivalents of the MSL under test.

If Search all devices in the cluster of the physical host is checked and the physical host is determined for the asset under test and that physical host has no cluster defined (it is not part of a cluster), a message will be logged to the thread log and the count of active authorizations for the physical host ONLY will be returned.  No confidence adjustment will take place and, barring any other errors encountered, the function will return a TRUE.

If any of the Search options are checked and the physical host cannot be determined (if the asset under test is virtual), a message will be logged to the thread log, confidence will be adjusted, and the function will return ELSE.

NOTE:  This function can only be used for authorizations that are assigned to a device (not those that are assigned to a user or group of users).






Process as user based title

If checked, the search for upbound equivalents will be driven by the owner assigned to the authorization.  The physical host and cluster settings will be ignored.

Search all devices in physical host

If checked, all devices hosted by the physical parent of the asset under test (if virtual), or the asset under test (if physical), will be checked for active authorizations matching the MSL title(s) to check.  In all cases the physical asset is included in the devices that are checked.

Search all devices in cluster of physical host

If checked, all devices hosted by all nodes of the cluster of which the physical parent of the asset under test (if virtual), or the asset under test (if physical) is a member, will be checked for active authorizations matching the MSL title(s) to check.  In all cases the physical asset(s) are included in the devices that are checked.

Use the MSL title of the authorization

A rule runs against the license, not against the authorization (even though the authorization is the item being analyzed - the license assigned determines the rule to run).  By default, the MSL used in this function is the MSL under test, which is the license.  If the license is an upbound equivalent of the authorization, then this function will return the upbound equivalent count of that.  By checking this box, the upbound equivalent of the authorization (deployed) title will be used as opposed to the default (which is the upbound equivalent count of the license).

Use the alternate equivalent list

If checked, the rule will look to see if the MSL title of the authorization is present in any other MSL title’s alternate downbound list.  If not checked, the normal downbound lists is used.  This allows separate lists of equivalents to be maintained and used for rules purposes - separate and apart from the lists the MIE uses for license allocation decision purposes.

Environment(s) to include (CTRL to select multiple)

This allows a specific list of master environments to be included for consideration.  If left blank (default), then no check for the asset environment is performed.  Also, any asset environment that is not mapped to a master environment will be automatically included in the Func23 calculations.

Click here for help on maintaining master environment mapping.





Result Explanation

Confidence Adjustment

Return Value


If any authorizations for upbound equivalents of the MSL under test are found on any of the devices matching the scope of devices requested.


Total count of matching active authorizations for all requested titles


No matching authorizations were found.




If user based title is specified and the authorization under test has no owner assigned.

Searching of host or cluster specified, yet physical parent could not be determined.

If a runtime error is encountered.