Entitlement Units Required (EUR)

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Entitlement Units Required (EUR)

The Entitlement Units Required (EUR) (also referred to as License Units Required - LUR) is the primary value maintained with an authorization that defines how many entitlements, or licenses, are required to properly license that authorization.  For example, SQL Server by processor running on a two processor machine might require two entitlements (licenses) to be properly licensed for that deployment (authorization).  Therefore, in that case, the EUR value would be 2.

EUR is watched by the MIE's entitlement allocation engine.  The allocation engine automatically allocates sufficient entitlements to meet the EUR.  If EUR is increased, the allocation engine will attempt to allocate more entitlements.  If the EUR is decreased, the allocation engine will de-allocate entitlements and return them to the unallocated pool.

The default EUR value is 1, which is established when a new authorization is created.  The EUR may be changed in several ways:

1. Manually, using the user interface

2. By connecting an authorization record to a counter and using the counter's value

3. By the Authorization Analyzer

4. By specifying an EUR override value