Workflow Window

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Workflow Window

The Workflow Window is provided to create and modify a single workflow.  Each workflow consists of a single workflow header record and many process point records.  


Workflow Context Menu

To maintain the workflow header information, right click on a blank area of the workflow window to display the workflow context menu.  The options available are:

Paste - This option will be shown if the clipboard is not empty.  Clicking this option will paste the contents of the clipboard onto the current workflow.

Properties - Displays a popup window for making edits to the workflow information.  Among other things, the use can change the description ('Example Workflow' in the picture below) and maintain notes.


Process Point Context Menu

To maintain the process point information, right click on a process point node to display the context menu.  The options available are:

Properties - Displays a popup window for making edits to the process point information.

Adjust Port Position - This option allows the user to move any of the ports (Next, True/Yes, Err 1, etc) to different positions within the node to make the links more  aesthetically pleasing.  To move a port: 1) Click the 'Adjust Port Position' option, 2) Move the cross hair cursor to the port you wish to move, 3) Left click and hold the desired port, 4) drag the port to the desired location and release the button.  Any link(s) connected to the moved port will be redrawn.

Copy - The selected object(s) will be copied to the clipboard