Timing - Unwanted Reclamation

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Timing - Unwanted Reclamation

Due to the latency inherent in many Asset Management systems, it is possible that a reclamation event will happen when it is not supposed to.  If the asset from which the MSL item is being harvested had just been scanned by auto-discovery, yet auto-discovery had not yet fed its information to the MIE, it is possible that the MIE will receive the auto-discovery information, which has the MSL item in it as one of the software packages discovered on the asset, after the harvest event.  When that happens, a reclamation will occur.

In order to counteract the typical latency, the MIE's Consolidation feature offers a setting called SLMMinDaysBeforeReclaim that specifies the minimum time that must pass before a reclamation can occur.  The time is set to a value that is just beyond the inherent latency in the system.  For instance, if auto-discovery is run once per week, then it can take up to eight days for the removal of a harvested MSL application to be confirmed by auto-discovery.  The setting would be set to something greater than eight.  The setting can be found under the Asset Management home page.  Given proper access, click Settings / Admin on the left menu.

In order to prevent unwanted reclamation, the harvested MSL item must be physically removed from the asset.  This should be done prior to harvesting the item via the Catch Point screen.