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Navigation:  Modules > Workflow Automation > Email Templates > Questions >


The following settings are available for each question:



Question number

A unique ID that is used to insert a placeholder in the email template.

Email template

The email template to which this question belongs.

Apply this business rule to the answer

(reserved for future use)

Store answer in this table

Defines the table where the email answers are to be stored.  Answers, by default, should be stored in the MIE - Email Answers table.

Store answer in this field ...

Defines the field where the email answers are to be stored.  By default, answers should be stored in the eAnswer field.


Actual question text that will be filled in for the placeholder in the email template.

Expected answer(s)

A comma-separated list of answers, any one of which will be accepted as an approval/affirmative response to the question.  If left blank, then any answer will be accepted as an affirmative response.

Answer will be entered to the right of this delimiter

Answers are expected to be placed between two delimiters so that the MIE can find them.  This defines the left delimiter.  

NOTE: Avoid using < or other characters that are used as HTML delimiters.  The curly brace { works well.

Answer will be entered to the left of this delimiter

Defines the right delimiter.

Suppress delimiters in email

Check this box if you plan to create an email template that already contains the delimiters in the template itself.  The answer area on the template can be created as an HTML table, with the delimiters in columns to the left and right of the answer area, hidden from view by setting the font color to the foreground color.  This creates the perception of an input field for the answer and creates a cleaner-looking email.