How User Authorizations are Transferred

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How User Authorizations are Transferred

For those authorizations that are assigned to a named user, the transfer happens differently than device-based authorizations.  The MIE performs the following for each authorization transferred:

1. The authorization is harvested from the FROM user.  A credit will be staged as with all harvest events.  This step will be taken regardless of whether or not the TO user is already authorized for the title being transferred.  All license units required will be harvested.

2. An authorization will be created for the TO user (if not already authorized).  All license units required will be authorized.

Note that unlike transferring of device-based authorizations, when transfer is complete for user-based, all authorizations selected will have been harvested from the FROM user, regardless of whether or not the TO user was already authorized for any of those titles.  User-based transfer functions more as a "Harvest, then authorize if required."