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Navigation:  Modules > Asset Management > Software License Management > Authorization Analyzer (Complex license types) > AA Functions >



This function determines on how many Operating System Environments (OSEs) the MSL title for the authorization under test is currently authorized (including the authorization under test).  The result will be the same regardless of whether the asset under test is physical or virtual.


Processing Notes

If the asset under test is virtual, its parent is determined using either the PhysicalComputerName or Parent information.  If the parent can be determined, then all child VMs plus the parent are checked to see if the current MSL title is authorized for those devices.

Only one authorization is counted (not the LURs of the authorization and not any other instances of the authorization) per device.  This is to ensure the number that is returned represents the OSEs on which the MSL title is authorized, and not the LURs or multiple instances.

If the checkbox to include all titles in the family is checked, the OSE count will include OSEs on which any active authorization was found for any MSL title in the same family as the MSL title under test.

If the checkbox to include all titles in the class is checked, the OSE count will include OSEs on which any active authorization was found for any MSL title in the same class as the MSL title under test.

If the checkbox to consider only VMs is checked, the OSE count will include OSEs on which assets are identified as virtual machines.

If the checkbox to 'Process as user based licensing' is checked, the OSE count will include OSEs that share the same custodian ID as the asset under test.






Include Family

A checkbox that, if checked (-1) will check for OSEs where an active authorization exists for any MSL title that is part of the same family as the MSL title under test.  

Include Class

A checkbox that, if checked (-1) will check for OSEs where an active authorization exists for any MSL title that is part of the same class as the MSL title under test.  This can be used in combination with the family parameter.

Consider Only VMs

A checkbox that, if checked (-1) will check for OSEs where an the asset is identified as a virtual machine.

Process as user based licensing

A checkbox that, if checked (-1) will treat the title as 'assigned to user'.  This will change the processing to look for the OSEs that share the same custodian ID as the asset under test.





Result Explanation

Confidence Adjustment

Return Value


If OSE count is greater than 0.


<OSE count>


OSE count is zero or less than 0 (indicates an error condition as, at minimum, a count of 1 should be returned to indicate the authorization under test)




If a runtime error is encountered.