Errors that may occur during processing

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Errors that may occur during processing

There are several error conditions that may arise during the processing of a reply email.  Each will cause an error code, which can be detected by the workflow engine, to be raised.  Workflow design should take into account the possibilities of these errors, and the workflow designed accordingly.  For example, when the approver fails to answer all questions, the workflow design should trap that condition and re-send the original request to allow the approver, with an explanation of what happened.

The following are some of the more common error conditions can arise when processing an email approval reply:  (for a full list, see Error Codes)



Recommended Remedy

An answer could not be found to one or more questions.

110011, 110012

Send a notification email explaining why the reply could not be processed, then send the request again.

The reply was ignored because a response was received from someone other than the person to whom the request was originally sent.


The MIE requires that the reply be received from the exact same email address to which the original request was sent.  If a reply is received from any other email address, it is ignored.  Send a notification explaining that the reply was ignored and why, then send the request again.

The reply was ignored because a reply had been received previously and processed.


The MIE does not allow the approver to change their mind.  Once a reply is received and successfully processed, any subsequent replies from that individual are ignored.  Send a notification explaining that a reply was already received and processed.  

The reply was ignored because the request expired before the reply was received.


The MIE imposes a time limit on each request.  The time limit is specified when setting up the Process Point.  Send a notification explaining that the request expired and that the requester will have to re-submit the request.  Alternatively, you may choose to send the request email again (which starts the clock over), and save the original requester from having to go through the request process again.  

The control block could not be found in the email


Unfortunately, because of how the MIE routes emails for processing, this error will never be trapped.  Emails that contain valid control blocks are routed to the workflow engine.  All other emails are deleted as spam.  Proper design of the outgoing email templates is important to ensure the control block remains unaltered and is returned with the reply.