Designer Step 6 - Export Fields

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Designer Step 6 - Export Fields

CSV report type only

This step allows defining the columns that will actually be included in the report.  The SQL SELECT statement, entered in Step 2 of the wizard, is executed and the resulting column names are displayed in the Source Field column.  Next to each is a blank input field where you type a value if you want the column to be included in the report.  The value typed in the input box will be listed as the column heading at the top of the report.

In addition to specifying the column names for the report, you can also link each column to a field on one of the input forms that handles that data element.  This linking only applies to the primary (top) table in your query.  Be sure the input form handles the data element from the top table in your export (some field names are common and used in several of the MIE's tables).  When you link to an input field, the CSV Report name given for that field will be used instead of any field name you may have typed in.  This allows the customer to override the default name, and therefore the report will then use the name they wish to use for that column.  Linking to an input form field is the preferred way to set up the export.

NOTE - to save changes you must click the Save button, which is at the very bottom of the list of columns (scroll down).  For Scopings, Sortings, and Export Fields changes are not automatically saved when moving between wizard steps.