Behavior when editing Group Counters

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Behavior when editing Group Counters

A Group Counter is any counter that has its Group populated with a value, meaning it has been assigned to a group.  When editing a counter that belongs to a group, either via the user interface (single record) or via mass updates (multiple records), the following steps are taken:

1.  All counters that participate in the group (have the same group value) will have certain settings changed (if required) to agree with the settings of the recently edited (and saved) record.  Namely, the following settings will all be made to agree with each other across the entire group, using the recently saved record as the source:

 a.  Active flag

 b.  Counter owner

 c.  Assigned workflow

 d.  Sampling frequency

 e.  Frequency units

2.  All counters that participate in the group will have their Group Order number checked.  If any counters are found to duplicate each other, the counter for which the duplicate is first detected will have its Group Order number moved to the first available higher number that is not currently in use by any of the participating counters.  This would have the effect of changing the order in which the counters are forwarded to any workflow thread (which, ultimately, should not be significant).

3.  If any actions were performed, a record will be logged to the job log detailing those action(s).  The job log entry will have a description of SC-<userID>.