SSRS Character Restrictions

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SSRS Character Restrictions

Interactive Reports leverage the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Engine and have some specific character limitations for certain behaviors.  Non-Standard Interactive Reports have the following Limitations.





This character breaks SSRS’s parameter logic by default.  It is replaced with an empty string whenever included in a filter. Do not use this character.

!, #, -

These three characters will cause no records to display when used alone within a filter.  Using these characters within a filter with other characters will produce the expected behavior.

*, ?

These character will cause every record to display when used alone within a filter.  When used with other characters in a filter, this character is treated as a wildcard.  If you wanted to filter down to “TheBest” and “TheRest”, you would filter on “The*est” or “The?est”.

Standard Interactive Reports have a smaller set of limitations, primarily involving wildcard characters.  These limitations are defined below.







This character breaks SSRS’s parameter logic by default.  It is replaced with an empty string whenever included in a filter. Do not use this character.




When applying a filter, this character acts as a string wildcard.  Using % at the beginning of a filter will result in all records that end with your filter (%EST results in BEST and TEST).  Using % at the end of a filter will result in all records that begin with your filter (TE% results in TEST and TEMP, etc).  Using two % characters wrapped around a string will result in any record that contains your filter (%ES% will result in TEST, REST, PROGRESS, etc)


When applying a filter, this character acts as a character wildcard.  Using _ anywhere in a filter will result in any records that matches your filter with any character in the place of any _ characters ( T_T will not display TEST, but it would display TOT.  To display TEST, use T__T with two underscore characters)




Using the SPACE character by itself will result in no filter being applied.  To filter down to records that contain a SPACE character, filter the SPACE character in conjunction with other characters.  If you are only looking for the SPACE character, filter on the SPACE character in conjunction with either the % character or the _ character.




When a record is displayed, any string containing the < character that is not sandwiched between two SPACE characters will only display until the < character due to the HTML-based nature of the SSRS Reporting engine.


Unicode characters within filters may not be interpreted properly.  To avoid confusion, avoid using Unicode characters within filters whenever possible.