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Navigation:  Modules > Asset Management > Process > Catch Points > Security Profiles >


The following settings are available for managing Security Profiles:



This profile is active

If checked, the profile will be enforced for those screens that are linked to it.  If not checked, the profile will not be enforced.


A descriptive name for the profile

This security profile applies to

For catch points, Catch Point Screens should be selected.

Require MIE authentication

If checked, the catch point screen will challenge for User ID and password before granting access to the screen.  The User ID must refer to an active account on the MIE.

NOTE: Requiring authentication does not override the other settings.  If require authorization is checked, and any other settings are also set (such as limiting access to certain IP addresses), then if any other setting is not met, the user will be presented a blank screen.  

For the user to be presented with a place to enter User ID and password, all other settings must be satisfied.

Allow access starting

Any attempt to access the screen before this date will result in nothing being presented to the user.

Allow access through this date

Any attempt to access the screen after this date will result in nothing being presented to the user.

Each day, allow access starting at this MIE time

The incoming request will be checked against the MIE's current time.  If the request is presented before the start time, nothing will be presented to the user.

Each day, stop allowing access at this MIE time

The incoming request will be checked against the MIE's current time.  If the request is presented after the stop time, nothing will be presented to the user.

Allow access on <day of week>

If the corresponding box is checked, then access will be allowed on that day of the week.  Otherwise, if an attempt to access the screen falls on a day of the week for which the corresponding box is not checked, nothing will be presented to the end user.

Allow access from this list of PUBLIC IP addresses

A comma-separated list of public IP addresses, from which access will be permitted.  This is the IP address of the machine that is attempting to access the catch point screen, as presented to the public internet.  This often differs from the machine's IP address.  To find out the public IP address of a machine, you can first attempt to access the catch point screen, then check the MIE's error log.  The error log will report the IP address that was denied.

NOTE:  If this setting is blank, all IPs will be permitted.

Do NOT allow access from this list of PUBLIC IP addresses

A comma-separated list of public IP addresses, from which access will be denied.