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Navigation:  Modules > Asset Management > Software License Management > Authorizing Software > Authorization Adjustments >


Settings for Authorization Adjustments are defined below




Checked if the rule is currently active.  Unchecked otherwise.

Note:  Once the rule has been applied to any existing authorizations, un-checking this setting will simply stop enforcement of the rule on existing or new authorizations.  It will not, however, remove any adjustments that had already been made.

When a rule is active, it is enforced with every run of Consolidate.  Therefore, changing the License Units Required value for authorizations being managed by the rule to any value other than the one specified in the rule will cause the change to be erased in favor of the rule's value on the next enforcement.


Unique description for this adjustment rule.

Asset number(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more asset numbers, separated by commas, to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.

Organization ID(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more organization IDs, separated by commas, to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.  Note that when matching current authorizations, if the organization ID carried by the authorization itself is blank, then a match will be attempted to the organization ID that is carried by the asset to which the authorization is assigned.

Department ID(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more department IDs, separated by commas, to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.  Note that when matching current authorizations, if the department ID carried by the authorization itself is blank, then a match will be attempted to the department ID that is carried by the asset to which the authorization is assigned.

Cost Center(s) to which authorization is assigned

One or more cost centers, separated by commas, to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.  Note that when matching current authorizations, if the cost center carried by the authorization itself is blank, then a match will be attempted to the cost center that is carried by the asset to which the authorization is assigned.

Serial number(s) of asset(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more serial numbers, separated by commas, of assets to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.

Device name(s) of assets to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more device names, separated by commas, of assets to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.

Login ID(s) of asset(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more last login IDs, separated by commas, of assets to which authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.  

NOTE: Once an adjustment is made, it must be manually removed.  Since last login ID can vary over time (due to various individuals logging into shared assets, etc, this setting should be used with care.

Assignee(s) of asset(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more assignees (one or more may be selected from the list by holding down the CTRL key to select multiples) of assets to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.

Asset type(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more asset types of assets to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.

Asset manufacturer(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more asset manufacturers of assets to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.

Asset role(s) or purpose(s) to which authorization(s) assigned

One or more roles or purposes of assets to which the authorizations that are to be adjusted are currently assigned.


Instance number of authorization that is to be adjusted (0 is the first instance and is the default)

Adjust authorizations that match criteria above for these MSL titles

All criteria supplied must match for an authorization to be adjusted.  Once all criteria match, then only authorizations for this list of MSL titles will be adjusted.  Select one or more MSL titles whose authorizations will be adjusted.

Adjust license units required to this value

Enter the value to be used to adjust the License Units Required of the target authorization(s).  If using adjustments to "zero out" rogue authorizations, enter 0.