Remote Data Management

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Remote Data Management

Remote is used to manage remote applications that interface with the MIE.  It is also used to define all data tables, fields, and schemas used by Consolidate and Import.

RDCm is a remote client that allows remote data collection and integrity enforcement through one or more MIE-defined configurations.  RDCm pulls configuration details from the MIE, operates according to those details, and they pushes collected data to (or through) the MIE to one or more data destinations.  It is currently used primarily in law enforcement applications, but is generally applicable to any scenario requiring highly configurable remote data capture and manipulation that must be performed in a quasi-connected environment (such as in the law enforcement official's vehicle).

ASNp (ASN Processor) is another remote client that is used in Asset Management and software license management.  It allows the pre-processing of any number of vendors' Advanced Shipping Notices.

All remote applications interface with the MIE using secure web services, all of which is managed using Remote.  The MIE handles local data schema upgrades, pushing of new versions and/or application components, and data management functions for remote applications.