Line Item Settings

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Line Item Settings

Each budget consists of one or more line items.  A line item, at minimum, may be for a budget or for a follow-up forecast.  Budgets therefore may have several line items to comprise the budget and several more line items that comprise a separate, but related, forecast.

Budget line items have the following settings:



Budget Parent

The budget to which this line item is assigned


If approved, the total of this line item will appear in the approved budget or approved forecast summary at budget level (depending on the type of line item)


General purpose classification of the line item.  This is based on a drop-down to which you may assign any number of classifications.

IT Project

If this line item is part of a larger IT project budget, that project is associated via this setting.


A short description of the line item


Usually "Budget" or "Forecast" - used by the summation logic to determine of this line item will be added to the budget or forecast summaries.

Requested Item

This relates to an item in the Request Catalog, where the specifics about the item (including its price) are stored.  The price from this item is used in calculating the requested budget.

Quantity requested

The number of items being requested for this budget cycle.

Cost Each

This is filled in from the Request Catalog based on the Requested Item choice.

Quantity approved

The quantity that was approved.

Cost Each (approved)

The average cost approved for each item.

Actual quantity

This number is filled in by the automated roll-up process, based on assets from the main asset table that match the budget.

Cost each (actual)

This number is filled in with the average cost by the automated roll-up process based on assets from the main asset table that match the budget.