Enabling the MIE to Perform Archives

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Enabling the MIE to Perform Archives

To allow the MIE to perform archiving, some setup steps are necessary:

1.  Update the dataWebServices table to include the settings necessary to perform archives.  The MIE can archive to an entirely different SQL server (recommended).  

2.  Ensure the login ID for the target SQL server that was specified in the connection string information entered in Step 1 has privilege granted to create databases.  This can be done using T-SQL as per the following example:

Grant Create Database to <user>

Be sure to run the query under the master database.


Recommended:  Use a different SQL server for archiving as well as a different user.

Important: If you do use a different SQL server, DO NOT use any of the MIE's SQL Server user  account names as the username.  Define a different user and different password.