Designer Step 3 - Scoping

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Designer Step 3 - Scoping

This step allows scope choices to be modified and/or added.  Scope choices allow the user to narrow the scope of the report interactively.

The following settings are available:


Choose an existing scope (to modify), or select -Add New- to add a new scope.  When choosing an existing scope, the current information will be populated and can then be edited.


A description of the scope.  This will be displayed to the end user in the list of scope choices available when the report is being prepared.

Label (1-4)

Up to 4 parameters can be solicited from the end user to be used to narrow the scope.  Labels 1 through 4 define the label that will be displayed when input is being solicited from the end user.

Input (1-4)

This describes the input field to be used in soliciting input from the end user.  There are five generic input types that can be used for this purpose:  RepInput1, RepInput2, RepInput3, and RepInput4 (must match the label/input number - for example, use RepInput1 to solicit input for Input 1, etc) are general purpose text inputs, designed to accept straight text.  RepTimeFrame is used to solicit a timeframe.  Not that when RepTimeFrame is used, it must only be used for Input 1.  In addition to the generic input types that can be specified, any element from the dataInputs table may be specified (by using the iID value).  This is generally used to specify existing drop-down lists that the user can select from in order to narrow the scope of the report.


The actual SQL that goes in the WHERE clause (minus the word "WHERE").  Tags are supported and the four input values are referenced using {%V1%} through {%V4%}.  When using RepTimeFrame in Input 1, the date or time/date value that will be used in the time frame comparison is entered first, followed by a comma, followed by the rest of the WHERE clause.


Changed_by Like '%{%V1%}%' (person who made the change is like ...)
Change_date,Changed_by Like '%{%V1%}%' (change was made within a timeframe and the person who made the change is like ...)

NOTE - to save changes you must click the Save button.  For Scopings, Sortings, and Export Fields changes are not automatically saved when moving between wizard steps.