Create New Records on the Fly

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Create New Records on the Fly

The MIE supports the capability to create a new record from nearly anywhere in the MIE.  This functionality is represented by the following green plus icon:

This icon will be present in places where you may rely on a record that does not yet exist.a  Clicking on this icon will open up a form to create a new record of that type in front of what you are working on.  Upon abandoning the form, the form will disappear, leaving you where you were previously.  Upon saving the form, the form will submit and disappear and the page you came from will refresh to display the newly created value for you to select.

This functionality is recursive and can exist within itself.  Meaning that while adding a new record through this feature, you may find another dependency that you have not yet created and will be able to open another form to create such a record.



This behavior will only allow a user to open 4 of these new record forms within one another.




Pressing the back or refresh buttons in your browser will cause all open record edit forms to close without saving.


You may not create a new record from a record of the same type.  This action is not supported.


a. If the green plus does not appear, double click the dot next to the field caption text. Then select the form from which to add record in the ‘Link to Form to Create Record’ dropdown. Then add a title in the ‘Caption for New Record Icon’ field and click save changes.