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The following tests are available to be run against the target record:



Catch point run at least N times

This test only applies to Decision Trees targeting the Asset table.  The individual asset will be queried against catch point history for up to 10 selected catch points.  This test has two additional parameters:

All selected catch points must have been run at least this many times

Maximum days ago all selected catch point must have been run

The two parameters allow further analysis of the catch point history.  

Example:  Check asset number in registry and IMAC screen catch points are selected, 1 is entered for the minimum times each screen must have been run, and 0 is entered for the maximum days ago parameter (meaning consider all time).  The test will yield True if both screens have ever been run at least once.  If only one screen has been run and not the other, or if neither screen has ever been run, the test will yield False.  if both screens have been run more than 1 time, the test will still yield True.

Lookup related record(s)

This test will use a value from the record under test to perform a lookup into a related table.  The lookup will either return a value from the related table, or it will return the count of related table records that matched the lookup.  The returned value, or record count, is then compared to the value entered using a comparison operator in order to yield a true or false outcome.

This test requires the following six parameters:

Look up value from this related table

The related table that will be used to perform the look up.

Return this value from look up

If the look up is successful (matches one or more records), then this value will be returned.  If a column is not selected, then the default is to return the count of matching records.

Use this field to match

A field in the related table that will contain values that are expected to match a value in the record under test.  This is the matching field in the related table.

Use this value to match

The value in a field in the record under test that will be used to match into the related table on the matching field.

Returned value is

Select the operator to apply to compare the value returned by the look-up to the value entered in the sixth parameter.

This value

Enter the comparison value.  This field accepts General Tags.

Record has change history

This test will check to see if any change history has been logged for specific fields in the target record.  Up to 10 fields may be selected for checking for change history.  This test has one additional parameter:

Maximum days ago the selected fields must have had change history logged

The test will check the change log for any changes to the chosen fields for the target record within the time frame given.  If any changes are detected, the test yields True, otherwise the test yields False.  Note that the test will yield True if even just one change to just one field is detected.  To isolate and test for changes against each field individually, set up individual nodes.

NOTE: The change log is trimmed automatically by the MIE.  Depending on the trim settings, records may not exist in the change log for the timeframe specified in the test.

Record is duplicated

This test will check to see if any other records in the target table duplicate the target record on one or more selected fields.  For example, if the target table is the Assets table, then duplicate checking may be performed on the Serial Number and Computer Name fields (as both are expected to be unique).  The test will return True if any duplicates are detected (at all), and False otherwise.  Note that this test will return True if duplicates are detected on any of the test fields.  To isolate which field is causing duplicates, each test field should be defined in a different node.

This test will write a record set to the Worklog of the associated Thread if duplicates are detected.  The record set will include all records that were identified as participating in the duplicates.  The record set may be used in subsequent nodes to submit to a workflow.  When a record set is submitted to a workflow, a workflow thread is created for each target record in the record set.  For example, if two records are contained in the record set, each record will be submitted to the same workflow independently, resulting in two workflow threads.