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The following settings are available for Decision Trees:



Tree is active

If checked, the tree is active and will be run each time the MIE's Housekeeping function runs.  If not checked, the tree will not be run.

Apply tree to this table

The table whose records are to be submitted to the Decision Tree.

Condition to select records

If set, only records in the target table that meet this condition will be submitted to the tree

Starting node

The node on the tree where processing begins

Minimum days between running target record

Specifies the minimum number of days between Decision Tree runs for any given record in the target table.  The MIE will enforce a minimum value for this setting.

Write recommended remediation text to this field

A field in the target table where remediation text, taken from the Terminal Node, will be written.

Write date decision tree was last run to this field

A field in the target table where the date the Decision Tree was last run on this record will be written.

Write decision tree severity code to this field

A field in the target table where the severity code defined in the Terminal Node will be written.  The severity code allows for scoping Decision Tree results, in order to focus on remediating the more severe issues first.