Screen HTML

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Screen HTML

The screen HTML is used to define how the screen will look. General and merge tags are supported.  In addition, the HTML will be inserted in the middle of an input form called InputForm.  There are several hidden variables maintained in the InputForm that are used to steer wizard operation.  Two important variables are as follows:




Javascript reference:  InputForm.Action.value

PREVIOUS - tells the wizard to move to the previous step.  If already at the first step, the wizard will stay at the first step.

NEXT - tells the wizard to move to the next step.  If already at the last step, the wizard will stay at the last step.

This variable is usually set, using javascript, by the OnClick event of the previous / next buttons.

Example:  Onclick="InputForm.Action.value='NEXT';..."


Javascript reference: InputForm.EDIT.value

SAVE - tells the wizard to save the data just collected by the form to the database.  The specific table.field to which each element's data will be stored is pre-defined to the MIE by the metadata associated with the input element.

This variable is usually set, using javascript, by the OnClick event of the previous / next buttons.  It is a good idea to issue a SAVE command when going either forward or backward in the wizard.

Example:  OnClick="InputForm.EDIT.value='SAVE';..."

The InputForm will also have an associated javascript validation routine written, based on the merge tag overrides and/or the metadata contained in the controlling input element definitions.  The validation routine should be called any time before allowing a move to the next step that involves a save.  The routine is called ValidateInputForm.

Example:  OnClick="if(ValidateInputForm(InputForm)==true){InputForm.EDIT.value='SAVE';InputForm.Action.value='PREVIOUS';InputForm.submit();"

The buttons that allow movement backward and forward within the wizard must be placed in the screen HTML by the designer, with the appropriate javascript to enable the movement desired.